How Online School Supports Students with 特殊需要

A young student with special needs learning online with his learning coach

我最近接到了一个有趣的电话 学习教练 (a parent who supports their child in their education at Connections Academy®), who asked if he could modify a journal-writing prompt I had assigned. The prompt was to write from the perspective of a person who has a disability. The student didn’t know anyone with a disability, therefore didn’t feel he could write convincingly from that perspective. 这位家长问他们的学生是否可以写一个正在处理像断腿这样的伤病的人. 

在表示同意后,我笑了. That dad and his student know me, but they didn’t realize that I have a disability. I have a hearing impairment and wear two hearing aids to correct it. I’ve never kept my hearing loss a secret from my employers, coworkers, or students. 多亏了 美国残疾人法案(ADA), 企业和其他公共场所必须为残疾人提供“合理的便利”. 例如, 我的助听器是我自己的责任, 但我可以从我的工作地点要求配备助听器耳机和电话附件,以便有效地进行在线教学. 

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Legislation has also benefited children with special needs. 2004年, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA Part B) 为3-21岁的残疾儿童提供联邦资金支持服务的法案. 通过想法, states and public agencies provide early intervention, 特殊教育, 并提供相关服务6个以上.500万儿童, 3-21 who have disabilities. 通过想法, states and public agencies provide early intervention, 特殊教育, 并提供相关服务6个以上.500万儿童. 

而联邦法律规定每个孩子都要在尽可能少限制的环境中接受免费和适当的教育, IDEA要求学校为有特殊需要的学生提供必要的住宿和/或修改,以支持他们的学习, 服务可能因州而异,甚至因学区而异,这取决于资金和正规买球十大平台的可用性等因素. 

此外, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a Federal law that offers protection to those individuals who have a disability. 根据第504条, 一个人的身体或精神损伤严重限制了primary生活活动,被认为是残疾人. 在学校, 这意味着根据第504条符合条件的残疾人可以获得合理的便利和/或对政策的合理修改, 实践, 或过程

An online school family provides online learning for a special needs student.

Online Learning for Students with 特殊需要

Some children can learn easily in a traditional brick-and-mortar classroom. 其他人则不能. This can be especially true for students with special needs. Parents of students with physical limitations, 心理健康问题,如社交焦虑, 或者是那些被诊断患有 neurodivergent 包括阅读障碍, 注意力缺陷多动症, 自闭症, or other neurological issues that affect how their brain functions, may turn to 特殊教育 online to meet their student’s unique needs.

How Does Online School for 特殊需要 Students Work?

在线公立学校必须遵循ADA和IDEA的指导方针,就像他们的实体学校一样. 有残疾和特殊需要的孩子的父母有很多K-12在线学校特殊教育的选择. 像连接学院这样的在线学校提供了一个安全和包容的环境,有特殊需要的学生可以在舒适的家中按照适合他们的时间表学习. 

“我们有两个孩子患有多种疾病,需要全天候护理,”她说 Jamie Kosmerick, a Michigan Connections Academy 学习教练. “我们很高兴有一个公立学校认可的项目,我们可以在安全的家里照顾我们的孩子.”

为有特殊需要的学生提供的免费在线学校可以成为一个很好的均衡器,因为它消除了可能阻碍有特殊需要的学生学习的障碍. Here are five key benefits of online learning for special needs students:

1. 灵活的课程安排

有特殊需要或慢性疾病的学生通常会在一周内安排许多医生和/或治疗预约. In a brick-and-mortar school, this could mean a lot of missed class time. 网上学校录取 灵活的调度, 让学生有能力在他们约定的时间或他们觉得合适的时候完成作业. 如果学生有慢性疾病, 当他们感觉良好时,他们可以提前工作,这样他们就不会在需要治疗时落后. 

爱荷华连接学院 学习教练萨拉·亨特 她说:“我有特殊需要的孩子每周接受三次治疗,每周还有其他功能. 我能安排直播课® sessions, therapies, and all other functions around each other. The 灵活的调度 makes everything so easy.”

A student taking advantage of online learning for special needs students.

2. 到处学习

那些需要长时间住院或频繁就医的学生也可以把作业随身携带,这样他们就不会落后了. Online school can be done anywhere with a Wi-Fi connection.

3. 更少的干扰

拥挤的走廊, 餐厅, 教室可能会人满为患, especially for students on the 自闭症. Online school removes many of the social barriers and noise distractions, allowing students to focus on their coursework and academic progress. 

“我们的女儿有社交焦虑症,搬到一所大型中学对她来说是个问题. We registered her for Arkansas Connections Academy in the fifth grade. She is now in high school and is still thriving,” 梅丽莎·C.、学习教练 阿肯色连接学院. 

4. 安全的学习空间

Online school is typically done in the student’s home, which already has everything to mee a student’s needs. 学生可以很容易地导航他们的家庭环境,并迅速找到他们需要的东西. 给那些需要安静空间的学生 冷静下来,重新集中注意力, learning from home provides that ability at any time.

“As a 学习教练, I have not had to micromanage my son. 他有自己的学习空间,在那里他可以涂鸦,或者在需要的时候离开,重新集中注意力和重组, and then he can come back to schoolwork when he is refreshed,” 丽莎·亚历山大,学习教练 在南卡罗莱纳连接学院.

A student looking through books as part of her 特殊教育 online.

5. 灵活的节奏和个人支持

Online school is largely done at the student’s own pace, 这让他们有机会在需要的时候花更多的时间在课程或功课上. 不能集中注意力的学生可以多看一遍录音课程,以确保他们吸收所有的知识. 在线学校的老师也可以单独了解学生,并可以根据学生的独特学习需求调整他们的课程,因为他们朝着自己的教育目标前进. 学生可以与他们的老师一对一地讨论任何问题或担忧,并回答问题,以支持他们的进步.


学生个性化教育计划, 或等电位点, which is a plan developed in collaboration between the school, 老师, 家长也要确保学生获得他们在学校取得成功和实现教育目标所需的支持服务. Students with IEPs are welcomed at online schools, 并且经常受益于在线学校教师可以提供的个性化关注. 当你注册在线学校的时候, be sure to share your student’s IEP information with your child’s 老师. 

If you are enrolled in online school and feel your student needs an IEP, 你可以通过你的老师要求评估,就像在实体学校一样. 连接学院培训了特殊教育人员和指导顾问,他们与家庭一起确定学生需要什么支持.

Learn More 推荐正规买球平台连接学院 Special Education

与ADA和IDEA到位, today’s young adults have grown side-by-side with their peers who have a disability, thanks to the necessary services and accommodations for students with disabilities. This has helped many students look beyond their disabilities to see friends, 同学们, 和队友. 至于我,如果我的学生不记得我有听力障碍,我会把这当作一种恭维! It means my disability doesn’t interfere with the way I teach. 

如果你有兴趣了解更多推荐正规买球平台连接学院如何支持有特殊需要的学生, 参加宣讲会 回答你所有的问题. 




Explore the benefits of attending Connections Academy这是一所免费的,经过认证的在线公立学校,致力于帮助您的孩子茁壮成长.  


