

Parents who are new to online school or homeschooling often worry that their student will miss out on the social experiences of an in-person classroom. 但除了在线课外活动的学生, 比如在线俱乐部, many virtual schools offer 面对面的事件 and activities as well to help 学生 connect and socialize with their peers and 老师. 

如果你对在线K-12课外活动感兴趣, here are some answers to the common questions you may have about the realities of online learning. 


A: 在线学校知道,虽然上课是学生教育的基本组成部分, 社会化对学生的成长和情感发展至关重要. 正因为如此, 像推荐正规买球平台®这样的在线学校为来自美国的学生提供了许多不同的机会 幼儿园 到高中去社交和建立人际关系.
Virtual live classes offer real-time interactions between 老师 and 学生 in online classrooms. 除了上课, 老师, 学生, 家庭也可以在实地考察和其他特殊活动中认识彼此, 面对面的事件.  

Many 推荐正规买球平台–supported schools also offer virtual clubs and extracurricular activities, 比如艺术俱乐部, 国际象棋俱乐部, 游戏科技俱乐部, 以及其他专门针对小学生的在线俱乐部, 中学生, 高中生. A variety of clubs helps 学生 explore their interests while connecting with others and making lifelong friends. 
Online K-12 extracurricular activities and clubs offer 学生 the opportunity to have fun while learning valuable skills, 包括领导, 协作, 和沟通. These skills will help enrich their lives in school, and also help them find success after school. 另外,他们可能 发现一个新的爱好 或者他们喜欢的活动!  


A: 除了很有趣之外, virtual clubs for 学生 offer the needed socialization opportunities that many parents are concerned their child would miss outside of a brick-and-mortar school. These activities benefit 学生 by providing an avenue for pursuing their passions and exploring new things.
在线学校学生合作, 竞争, 交流思想, and learn teamwork and leadership skills—all while they enjoy friendly social interaction with peers who share their common interests.
虚拟俱乐部和活动也可以对学生的成绩产生积极影响. A study by the National Federation of State 高中 Associations showed that 学生 who are involved in extracurricular activities 在学业上表现更好 并培养技能和工作习惯,这将在以后的生活中有所回报. 他们也更有可能继续接受教育.
适合年幼的孩子, online clubs for elementary 学生 and higher grades contribute to a well-rounded learning experience and help nurture initiative, 完整性, 想象力, 自我认知, 人际交往能力. 



A: Many online schools offer the same clubs and activities that would be found in a brick-and-mortar school, 包括学术俱乐部, 国际象棋俱乐部, 机器人俱乐部, 文艺社团, 一份学生报纸, 还有更多. 如果你的学生感兴趣的爱好在你的在线学校没有, 你的学生可以和他们的老师谈论 开始一个新俱乐部就像他们在传统的实体学校一样.   

There are also specialized middle school clubs and high school clubs to help 学生 at that level make new connections and prepare for their journey 高中毕业后.


A: An online school club is just like an in-person club, but meetings are held virtually via video chat. 在网上学校社团, 学生们在生活中与有着相似兴趣的同龄人互动, 在线讨论, 就像他们面对面一样.
另外, 虚拟俱乐部的好处是学生可以从不同的地方参加, 带来不同的背景和新的视角. There is an expectation from both the club leader and other members that all 学生 will actively participate in the club meetings and discussions.   


A: Online school clubs are not graded and aren’t designed to boost performance in a particular academic area, 但他们确实在很多方面帮助学生. 例如, virtual clubs help 学生 stay engaged in school outside of their academic work and strengthen creative thinking and problem-solving skills.
老师通常会促进在线学校俱乐部的发展, 经常提供与俱乐部相关的额外学习活动, 比如给校报写篇文章, 参加国际象棋比赛, 完成科学实验, or 编写代码. 如果学生感兴趣和热情, 网上学校社团活动是对他们课业的一个很好的补充.  



 A: 这个问题的答案取决于他们的学生对做什么感兴趣. 父母应该考虑他们的学生喜欢的东西和他们感兴趣的科目. 而辩论俱乐部是培养推理能力的好方法, 逻辑, 研究技能, 如果学生对辩论不感兴趣, it may just be another obligation and the student may feel hesitant to participate and get the full benefits of socializing if forced to do it.
家长应该与他们的在线学校学生讨论各种选择, 然后双方就参加哪些在线俱乐部和课外活动达成一致. 尝试新事物是可以的! Online clubs and activities offer 学生 the opportunity to explore things they think they may be interested in, 给他们一个安全的地方去尝试新事物.   


A: 许多家长可能会担心虚拟俱乐部和活动可能会引起的分心. 然而, 如果学生对社团感兴趣, 这可能值得一试,因为它有很多积极的好处.
在加入在线俱乐部之前, look at your student’s current schedule to make sure there is room to fit in an extracurricular activity. 这对于高中生的网络俱乐部来说尤其如此, 因为高中生可能会平衡兼职工作, 志愿服务机会, 或者实习和上学. 父母和 学习教练 应该确保他们的学生明白学业永远是第一位的吗.
你有兴趣了解更多推荐正规买球平台在家上学的社会活动吗? Check out how one 推荐正规买球平台 family supported their student’s social and emotional development!   

E-guide for 推荐正规买球平台 with a green background and a graphic of a laptop with the purple eGuide.



探索参加连接学院的好处, a tuition-free, accredited online public school that’s passionate about helping your child thrive.  




  • 在线免费获得高中文凭

    by 瓦莱丽·柯克


    在当今世界, the path to high school graduation no longer has to be a straight line from the neighborhood elementary school to your local school district’s brick-and-mortar high school. 随着学生的成长和变化, 他们的学习需求也是如此, 促使学生探索其他选择, 包括私人, 宪章, 还有虚拟学校, 继续他们的学习之旅.

    当学生和家庭探索他们的学校选择, 他们常常想知道如何在网上免费获得高中文凭.   

    一种方法是在公共虚拟高中,如连接学院. 就像在公立的实体学校一样, 在那里,学生不交学费,免费获得高中文凭, 学生 at public virtual high schools don’t pay tuition and earn their high school diploma online for free.  



    选择合适的学校是父母要做的最困难的决定之一. There are many reasons why parents may want to explore different school options for their student, 许多人发现虚拟学校符合他们的特殊需求. 虚拟学校提供:

    • 灵活的日常安排,让学生完成他们的日常 课程安排为家庭义务、课外活动和体育活动留出时间.  
    • 一个安全、 包容性学习环境 每个人都欢迎. 
    • 认证课程   
    • 受过专门培训的教师 可以在线授课.  
    • 社会 经验 比如 现场课程和 在线俱乐部.   

    读一些 来自网络学校学生的故事 about their journeys to earn a high school diploma online and see how online school benefits each student’s individual needs.



    高中毕业要求 for 认可的在线高中 are set by the state where the school is based and mirror the state’s brick-and-mortar schools’ graduation requirements. 在这两种类型的公立学校注册的学生 通常做相同数量的学分, 上学的时间/天数相同, and must pass the same or similar state 竞争ncy tests to graduate and receive their online high school diploma.

    Virtual high schools have guidance counselors who help guide 学生 in their course selection to ensure they meet the state guidelines to receive their high school diploma. 许多虚拟学校还为可能缺学分的学生提供解决方案.  

    Many virtual schools also offer in-person graduation ceremonies where 学生 are presented with their high school diploma. 学生们可以与朋友和家人一起庆祝他们的成就!



    Public virtual schools are tuition-free, but there are some things families are responsible for. 根据年级的不同,技术可以在在线学校体验中发挥重要作用. 许多 虚拟学校 免费为学生提供电脑. Virtual school families often find having a working computer helpful to have near the student’s 学习的空间尤其是如果他们的学生是在网上注册的初中或高中.   

    要求的文本和教学材料, 根据学生的年级水平和州,可以是数字的或物理的, 也是免费提供的吗. Virtual school 学生 need most of the same supplies as brick-and-mortar public school 学生, 哪些必须由家庭购买. 这包括学习用品,如铅笔、橡皮擦和笔记本. 

    公立虚拟学校不收取在线获得高中文凭的费用. 要毕业,学生必须满足他们所在州的毕业要求.



    亡羊补牢,为时不晚 转到网上学校 让你的学生走上在线获得免费高中文凭的道路. 你可以加入一个连接学院 会话信息 了解更多有关公立虚拟学校及申请程序.  

    了解更多 推荐正规买球平台虚拟学校如何帮助你的学生免费在线获得高中文凭. 
